It is curious that they're endlessly releasing new editions of Skyrim but have left this game be. A shame Bethesda didn't fix that while rummaging in the game's guts. I'll point you to the ever-helpful PCGamingWiki for fixes and workarounds to many of the issues. Hmm.Īnd yeah, Fallout 3 is still busted on modern versions of Windows. I do see someone on the Steam forums saying they can no longer access the DLC they bought. Removing GFWL from the non-GotY edition might also be a problem, considering the expansions were originally sold through GFWL. If you already updated, try this workaround to undo it. FOSE's website notes, "I do not have a timeframe for when FOSE can be updated to this new version." If you rely on mods built with FOSE, avoid for now. The nature of the script extender is such that yup, it'll naturally no longer work when the game is updated-this isn't a malicious action from Bethesda. The update has broken the Fallout Script Extender (FOSE), a popular tool required by more-advanced mods. One big issue: you might want to avoid updating if you play FO3 modded. Might need to dig save files out the old GFWL folder too. If you already had FO3 installed on Steam, Bethesda suggest uninstalling and reinstalling to get it to play right. Unofficial tools have let players get around this before, but now it's just gone. GFWL has been dead for a while but the game still required it and would take a while trying to log in on startup.

Bethesda started selling Fallout 3 without GFWL on GOG last year, so it's good to see Steam catch up. Yup, it seems they've stripped GFWL from the regular edition too, obvs. The Steam announcement says plain and simple that Fallout 3 GotY "no longer requires Games for Windows Live" and "no longer installs Games for Windows Live dependencies". However, avoid the update if you play FO3 with lots of mods. Hooray! FO3 is still busted because Bethesda haven't updated the game to run happily on modern Windows, but I'll take any opportunity to dance on GFWL's grave. After 13 years, Fallout 3 has finally removed Microsoft's reviled (and broken) Games For Windows Live service from the Steam release.