Oberyn's paramour, Ellaria Sand (Indira Varma), and her daughters, collectively dubbed the Sand Snakes, just hung around the Water Gardens for all of seasons 5 and 6.

His horrific death at the end of that season was what dragged House Martell into the central ongoing conflict, but the writers just didn't seem to care about the Dornish angle, as season 5 showed. Game of Thrones' most famous Martell, Oberyn (Pedro Pascal), said as much about the latter bit on his arrival in season 4. The region and its people were interesting for at least two reasons: they were the only ones who had never been conquered by the Targaryens, and unlike the prevalent customs in the six other kingdoms of Westeros, women weren't excluded from the rules of succession in Dorne.

In 2015, as Game of Thrones entered season 5, the show had the opportunity to introduce the last major kingdom of Westeros, Sunspear - the capital of Dorne - and its ruler, House Martell.