
Red faction guerrilla best weapons
Red faction guerrilla best weapons

red faction guerrilla best weapons

It starts with Alec Mason, a mining engineer and the character you play as for the entire game, transferring to Mars’ Tharsis region to reunite with his brother Dan and start up a new life.

red faction guerrilla best weapons

You don’t really need to have played the older PS2 shooters to understand what happens here – but it can help a bit as you’ll at least know who your antagonists are a bit better. The story of Red Faction: Guerrilla takes place in the year 2125 – 45 years after Red Faction II. Not to say I won’t touch on the quality of the game itself – it just isn’t the focus here. I’d also like to make it clear that this is less of a full on review of Red Faction: Guerrilla, and more of a review of the quality of the remastering by Kaiko Games. I want to first preface this review by thanking Bryden Keks and THQ Nordic with providing me with a code for the game to review!

Red faction guerrilla best weapons